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Friday, March 4, 2011

Greetings from Idaho

This is the first post to my blog -- by myself.  I hope to meet interesting people and help whenever I can in understanding this beautiful world we live in.


  1. This is a test.

    DR from Texas.

    Enter a post again to reply.

  2. It worked!
    I would like to mail you a couple of Ann's piano solo CD's (free, of course). If you will send me your snail-mail address.



  3. I too live in Idaho, and I hope you are enjoying it here, though for me, it's a very scary red place to be right now. People have actually told me to move. But I have a problem with that. The problem is, I was born here. I can trace my ancestry to fighting in the Revolutionary War, so why should I have to move anywhere? I've been told to go to Canada, where they have healthcare I support. But, like I said, I have every right to be here, just not talk here, in good old Idaho. But it is a beautiful place if you can keep your mouth shut.

  4. Thanks for your blog Thayne. The more I read the more I am impressed with the fact that you've come from a family, a community, a culture of LDS faith and yet somehow have managed to break free of the mental chains! Keep writing and educating! You've earned the right to have an opinion on the subject and have no fear of speaking the truth. I really think you should consider a book someday. Maybe this is your outline...
